1) After spending hours perusing the splendor of the Yves Saint Laurent exhibit at the Petit Palais, I made my requisite Paris jaunt to Colette. While upstairs, who do I happen to see with an ensemble of beautiful, young male assistants? None other than the kaiser himself, Karl Lagerfeld. My sister says that I started to hyperventilate. Anywho, it was quite a shock to see him shopping for clothes at a popular boutique on a Friday afternoon. The Chanel couture presentation was the next day! Emergency shopping trip for the perfect outfit to receive ovation in? I think yes. As a fashion groupie, I didn't dare approach the man. Every time I attempted a casual glance in his direction, one of his entourage always instantly met my gaze, sternly. I think. It was even funnier seeing him at the cash register. And yes, he was fully dressed in the KL uniform.
2) My mom asked me to take her to our Hindu temple in Malibu for her birthday. Once we arrived, we were met by several white trailers. Apparently it was the Elle September issue covershoot starring Julia Roberts. Anyway, I was able to stay on set for the entire shoot. Met Julia, the priest told her about my infant head-shaving ceremony, and Julia kindly took me over and introduced me to wardrobe! If you've never been on a photoshoot before, you can't imagine the mass of clothing, accessories, and shoes on set. I met almost everyone on set and my mom embarrassed me a lot. Also got to help out and consult! Thanks God! My first paparazzi shot. I look good!:

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