The Pughmasta has moved to Paris, which is a great place to exhibit his exceptional work, being the capital of couture, but he was London Fashion Week's gem! It's aiight, I guess, since Viv Westwood and Burberry, to name two London fashion powers, don't even show in London either. Power to the Pugh! Dance to the Pugh-sic! Oh god. Get in queue for Gareth Pugh! I could give Henry Holland a run for his money with his wimpy "UHU GARETH PUGH". God, I'll do anything to keep myself from cleaning my room.
All of the looks are white in front, black in the back, and feature white plates with black underneath. Light coming out of dark. Hello Elizabethan Stormtrooper.
Great tie-in with the beauty, by Alex Box.

those pants are magic

those leggings

Photos: Marcio Madeira
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